What Happened to Chiptune?


Episode Summary

This episode features Michael Bradley, aka Boaconstructor. Boaconstructor is a musician based out of Seattle, Washington that makes chipmusic styled after many different modern dance and hip hop genres such as footwork, techno, juke and trap music. I’ve always been a big fan of Boa’s work as he was never very interested in the videogame aspect of chiptune but rather was very focused on taking these small devices and trying to get them into club spaces, often making music that was indistinguishable from music made on non-chiptune devices. We get into the Seattle scene, the hardships of being a musician focused on club sounds, and the attachment that many chiptune artists and fans had to the videogame aspect of the scene and the effects it had on the community as a whole.

Episode Notes

Music Used:

Space Town - What Happened to Chiptune theme

Boaconstructor - Ditch The Biscuit


- Nanoloop - https://www.nanoloop.com/

- Ovenrake - https://ovenrake.bandcamp.com/

- Live Animals - https://weareliveanimals.bandcamp.com/

- Glooms/Turtlesaur - [https://gloomsmusic.bandcamp.com](https://gloomsmusic.bandcamp.com/)

- Electric Children/Circles - https://electricchildren8bit.bandcamp.com/

- Fighter X - https://fighterx.bandcamp.com/

- Piko Piko Detroit - https://pikopikodetroit.bandcamp.com/

- 8bitcollective - https://archive.org/details/Best_of_8_Bit_Collective-2006-2011

- TheBaseBit Recordings - https://thebasebitrecs.bandcamp.com/

- Pacific Noise Works - https://pacificnoiseworks.com/

- Square Sounds - https://www.squaresoundsfestival.com/

- Milano Chiptune Underground - https://www.facebook.com/MilanoChiptuneUnderground/